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Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki

Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki® is Intelligent Cosmic energy that manifests unconscious qualities in the individual and reconnects them with the higher bodies that have been disconnected. It breaks down space/time barriers by reprogramming existence and re-establishing the bonds broken by forgetfulness.

Its main purpose is self-help and its process is focused on personal growth and self-transformation. Its results will release suffering and pain that are interrupting the universal flow, opening the channels to receive higher frequencies. It also acts on memories, erasing the crystallisations contained in the lower bodies.

Duas mãos em forma de concha com uma borboleta em descanso

Sanathana Sai ® Unified Reiki heals the feeling of primordial abandonment and purifies energies in all realities or past lives. It is a powerful channel that guides universal energy to the origin of distortion, welcoming and involving the flow of supreme love.

Reiki Symbols & Mandalas

The traditional Reiki symbols that had been lost when Master Takata brought Reiki from Japan to the United States were found, integrated into Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki and given an external structure called Mandala.


These mandalas are linked to the cosmic healers from Sirius and are used in Quantum Healing and Cellular Recoding® treatments. They are structures that create far-reaching quantum fields. They form levers, like surgical instruments, so that suffering and disconnection can be removed and the channels opened.


These changes follow the guidelines of Sathya Sai Baba, who created the Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai® Circle. It is made up of the 4 symbols of traditional Reiki and 3 symbols found in Dr. Usui's research and which currently belong to what is known as Reiki Karuna.


This is a radionic tool for erasing memories of suffering and distorted creations. It is the great quantum gift. The vibration and purpose of this new Reiki are very high.

Smart Mandala
autoreiki, self-application, self-treatment - 1st position
autoreiki, self-application, self-treatment - 3rd position
autoreiki, self-application, self-treatment - 2nd position

In the new Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki ® the practice period will extend beyond 21 days (the period determined by traditional Reiki). The task to be experienced after training will be longer, completing 33 days.

In this new technique the great healing will take place through situation Reiki. We will use this format to release memories of birth and the 5 septennia in your life.

We will continue by releasing traumas from relationships with parents, helping to heal family members and successors, releasing our ancestors, healing distorted memories of multidimensionality (or past lives) and concluding by working with distortions of homeland.

Only you can heal yourself. These are the tools offered for this purpose.


We will achieve deep healing at the end of the 33-day period with situation Reiki and with self-application of this Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai®.

Sanathana Sai® Unified Reiki

©2024 by Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai®

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